On/Off & In-Between


To do: Create circuit that makes use of Analog inputs and outputs where the interaction centers anywhere except the hands. If you choose to use hands then try getting your hands on an analog sensor that is NOT a potentiometer.

I created a circuit using analog inputs and outputs. Most ticky part of this exercise was to had to write the correct coding. 

const int ledPin = 9;       // pin that the LED is attached to
int analogValue = 0;        // value read from the pot
int brightness = 0;         // PWM pin that the LED is on.

void setup() {

// initialize serial communications at 9600 bps:
    // declare the led pin as an output:
    pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
    analogValue = analogRead(A0);    // read the pot value
    brightness = analogValue /4;       //divide by 4 to fit in a byte
    analogWrite(ledPin, brightness);   // PWM the LED with the brightness value
    Serial.println(brightness);        // print the brightness value back to the serial monitor



Type of sensors: A sensor is a device used to measure a property, such as pressure, position, temperature, or acceleration, and respond with feedback. 


there are a few types of sensors such as temperature sensors, IR sensors, ultrasonic sensors, pressure sensors, proximity sensors, and touch sensors are frequently used in most of the electronics applications.


I'm very interested in ranging sensors most likely what I would like to use for my project:

Many sensors measure movement or distance indirectly, by sending out a pulse of light or sound and reading the reflected signal when it bounces off a target as illustrated in Figure 5. These are called ranging sensors (Figure 4) because they read a range of distance.


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